“Proof”; a short film by RC Concepcion about the power of photography.

This was made a short while ago but it goes straight to the “heart” of photography and making great pictures.

Joe McNally is one of my very favorite photographers (see the link on my home page).  I’ve studied his work, I’ve heard him talk countless times, try as I might… maybe someday I’ll be 1/100 the photographer he is….

RC Concepcion… He’s one of “The Photoshop Guys” with the National Assoc. of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP).  I’m of course a member of NAPP and last week was at their biannual “convention” called Photoshop World.  It’s a very intensive three days (as in two 15 hour days and one 8 hour day…) of photography, social media, photoshop, web development, etc. training.  Well… I attended a few of RC’s seminars.  He’s very intellectual in his approach, very thoughtful, very emotional, very appropriate for our times. Over the last few months I’ve gained a tremendous amount of respect for RC, he’s a great mind in the world that I’m striving to become a part of daily.  Thank you RC for your work.

As I mentioned above, RC put this short film together a short while ago.  RC is from New York so the significance of 9/11 is particularly relevant.  Joe McNally is also from New York.  RC reposted his video again today on Google+ and every time I watch it, it resonates with me… again, someday I hope to have some fraction of the impact this movie demonstrates.  Thank you RC.  Thank you Joe McNally.
