Two for two! Juniors and Seniors! Carson City Little League Juniors won the Nevada State Championship tonight at Governor’s Field, Congrats Fellas!Here is some of the action from the game tonight… shooting games with large run differentials can be tough to come up with “game action”… not much of it tonight… so here are some of the shots that I liked… 🙂
I like the little whisp of dirt off the bat/ball on this one…
With these tournaments you meet some nice people from out of the area… the umpire crew, mostly from California, were a nice bunch of guys… always makes things fun to be around a great group of people.
To the PV fellas… sorry I mistakenly said at first the photo showed him safe, I was confused with fatigue from the month of baseball I’ve been photographing! … here’s the photo I was talking about….
Certainly my favorite photo from the night… Sorry Jordan, I’m laughing WITH you… (note the ball on his left heel…)
… and Bryce couldn’t let Jordan dance alone…
If you’ve followed my posts this past season you’ll remember me talking about the “golden” sunshine late in games, just before sunset… Here it is… makes such nice light on the players.