My Girls…

When my oldest (now 2 3/4 years old) was first born I had this idea to take her photos of her like this, she needed to be old enough to be on her belly and hold herself up with her arms… that was about 5 months old… there are three 16×20’s on the wall in my office of her… now our second is about the same age (we’re off by two weeks…) so today we took the photos of her…  Enjoy!  Can you tell me who’s who?

2 thoughts on “My Girls…”

  1. Always appreciate the coverage for Carson Sports, especially baseball. Love the picts of they look so much alike!

    See you soon.

  2. Thanks Charise!! I’ve enjoyed “shooting” your boys for the last four years… can you believe it’s been that many years!

    We’re getting some great reactions to the photos of the girls! By the time they’re teenagers they’re NEVER going to forgive me for all the photos! 🙂

    See you out at the field soon!

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