Four games today… I shot two and maybe 1/5th of them… Carson High for two and Douglas for 1 1/5th… The sun went down so I played around a bit with shooting under the lights… ehhhh… is about all I can say for that… 🙂
Tough day for Carson… I’ll leave it at that… GREAT day for Douglas!
Two of the young fellas that when I first started shooting here in the Carson/Douglas area were on the Carson Valley Little League All Star teams are now Freshman starting on the Douglas Varsity Team… It’s really great to see them succeed at this level!
Here are a few of the shots I got of them today…
Here’s that late afternoon sun I talked about Thursday at Carson High…
Some more shots of the Douglas pitcher… Cody Begovich… he pitched quite well against Carson today! Love that leg action!
I set up a remote camera today to “test” it out… I learned a lot… here’s a shot from the remote rig today…
… and a few shots of Carson today that I liked… 🙂 Rough day for the Senators!
Hi Jeff,
Great shots!
Steve Golden