Even for the non-football fan, last night’s game was an interesting one… Bishop Manogue held the ball for nearly the first eight minutes of the game and drove the ball, seemingly right down the field and scored their first touchdown to begin the game… they chewed a ton of time off the clock and ran what seemed like a ton of plays… and at least for the first Carson drive, which included a beautiful Jace Keema pass to Brandon Gagnon, Carson didn’t seem to have their killer plays with them… but like I said… for the first drive…
Carson got their bearings with the Manogue offense and started to make stops and then the Abel Carter show started… 🙂 For his longest touchdown run I was behind them in the end zone and was able to see the massive hole the Carson O-Line opened for Abel… no joke, you could have driven a VERY large vehicle through the hole and off to the end zone went Abel… Good job O-line!  … and to Abel of course too!
Games like this with a lot of inside runs are tough to photograph… a big mash of players fighting in the trenches doesn’t make for very interesting photos, no faces, no ball, who even knows where the ball is sometimes… so the raw photo count from the night’s game aren’t plentiful, but there were some moments that I grabbed that I liked…
One of Brandon Gagnon’s receptions on the night… how much better would this be if he was facing me! 🙂
Manogue Quarterback William Hauck passing the ball…
Carson’s Spencer Rogers working for a few more yards…
There were a few players on the Manogue team that played their youth football in Carson City, Connor Larkin (here) tackles Jake Roman… always good to see the kids that grew up in front of your eyes in Carson City playing at this level. 🙂