Stopping to say thank you for inspiration.

This is my blog… and I want to use it right now to point out a remarkable young man that I have had the pleasure of photographing and getting to know his family the past few years.  Today closed the curtain on his “Little League” experience, he’ll be too old in 2011.  Because I never put names on my site I’ll refer to this remarkable fella as “T”. (for those that know him, I’m sorry I’m not too creative with a pseudo-name!)

I’m in a somewhat unique position out at the field, I get to spend time in and around both teams.  Some of the kids I know because I’ve been shooting their leagues for awhile, others I meet out at the fields each night, I’m always welcome because the kids love to be the one that I photograph, it’s fun, we have a good time… my point in a minute….

When you really LOOK at this photo you might or might not notice something “different”.  T has a handicap, (but you’d never know it knowing T…)… but let me explain to you what you’re looking at… This is the Nevada District 1 Little League All Star Tournament for the 11-12 age group.  The 11-12 aged kids are the kids, if they should win District, State, Regional, etc…. go on and play in the LIttle League World Series.  Even with his handicap, T was a pitcher for his All Star team.  There are A LOT of kids that play Little League.  There are some of those that pitch.  Some make the All Star team… There are VERY FEW that play All Stars and Pitch for that team.

Going back to my point about being around the other teams… for obvious reasons kids pick up quick on things that are different.  This past week I was standing next to the team playing against T’s team.  During warm up’s the fellas started noticing and talking about what T was doing… At first they saw something was a little different, then they watched closer, made a few comments to each other trying to figure out what was going on…. To me it was just a part of what happens… but to them, it was new.  They all watched as T would catch the ball, with his glove on his left hand, remove his glove and hold it with his right while passing the ball to his left for his throw to first.  If you’re not used to seeing this it happens so fast you’re not really sure what’s going on so you watch closer.  It was fun to watch their “learning” process take place involving something that I now just take for granted, that’s the way T plays….

T, thank you.  Every time I see you out there you inspire me.  I want to wish you the very best of luck and I’m sure I’ll see you around!!  Keep up the great work buddy!!

On the photography side…. he also always looks great in the photos, his stretch is always nice… since he’s left handed, today the light was just about to drop below the hills and was lighting him but shadowing the pitching mound… you rarely get great light like this… I took a few and saw that and immediately knew I had some cool stuff!

Look… ouch!

Normally I don’t keep these types of photos… this one was different, the player caught the ball and HELD ONTO IT, batter out….

The finals are Monday for the 11-12 All Stars.  Carson City will face Washoe for the Championship, Governor’s Field, 7:30 PM Monday, July 19th.  If Carson City wins on Monday they will play the “if” game on Tuesday, 7:30.

Good luck to all all the teams still in the tournament!

Marching toward the title…

The 9/10 and 10/11 Nevada District 1 All Star Tournaments will be wrapping up this week.  There’s been some GREAT baseball; really close battles, games being decided in the bottom of the 6th, real nail biting stuff!

The Championship games will be Thursday, July 15th at 5:30 for the 9/10’s and 8:00 for the 10/11’s, both on Field 2, Governor’s Field in Carson.  (“if” games to be played the following night “if” necessary)

The 11/12 tournament will go through the weekend with the Championship on Monday July 19th, Field 2.

Photog “fun”…

I’m sure the “moment” meant more to Cat and I than it ever will to anyone else… Here’s two photos, one taken by myself, one taken by Cat… we were standing shooting together tonight… Cat’s background and “style” has been groomed by years of photojournalistic shooting… for what it’s worth, take a close look at these two photos… they really show the difference in our “styles”.  Cat is tuned into the whole scene, the umpire’s face is clearly seen, you can see the play (unfortunately the 3rd baseman didn’t make the play…), you can see the result, the story is told… vs. mine… I’m focused on the kid trying to make the play….  We were reviewing these on the field and were pretty shocked how close the two shots are to each other in timing…  I hadn’t noticed the “focus” difference until I got them home and looked closer at them.  Great stuff!!

I guess you can say that being a “photographer” has as many different “meanings” as there are Photographers!

The tournament continues…

Come on out this weekend and enjoy the All Star Tournaments!!  The 11-12 year olds start up Saturday… maybe your team will make it to the World Series!!

See you out there!!

I’m feeling much better… tired, but feeling better, was able to run for the first time tonight after surgery… for those that have seen me running around the fields before… a lot of ground to cover tomorrow!!

I want to give a big thank you to Cat Allison of Nevada Photo Source for helping me these past few days, I had a great time shooting with you!!  Thank YOU!!

Baseball Baseball Baseball!!!!

Teams are getting into the “swing” of things at the tournaments!  The 9/10’s and 10/11’s have now all played at least one game… it all starts to heat up now with the change this year to double elimination for the tournaments.  Watching the coaching strategies has been fun!

See you out at the fields!!

All Star Action, Carson City, NV

Hello all!

Last night started the Nevada District 1 Little League All Star Tournament at Governor’s Field in Carson City, NV.  Come on out to see the great baseball being played; three age levels, four fields, a lot of baseball!!

I’m still on the mend but feeling much better, not 100% yet but close.

Cat Allison of Nevada Photo Source (most of you know her from the Nevada Appeal…) is out helping out for a few nights.  You all know the great work she does… stop by and see what we can create for you!

Here’s a shot from last night’s action.  Be sure to watch our Facebook page (search for instaimage) and follow us on Twitter… you just might find some worthwhile discounts if you catch me in a “giving” mood!  🙂

Speed bump…

Hello everyone!

Had a bit of a speed bump hit us starting Sunday.  After enjoying a nice Father’s Day, breakfast with CCLL at their Pancake Breakfast and going to the Stewart School Indian Festival and enjoying a GREAT rib dinner at home…  I started to feel awful… long story short, just got back from the hospital, I’m now appendix free!  Emergency appendectomy Tuesday night, two nights in the hospital due to the severity and the doctor’s concern…

So… I’m on the mend, hoping to be somewhat back to “normal” come tournament time July 7th… more on that soon!

Action Schedule…

June 7th  CVLL Tournament Action

June 8th CVLL Tournament Action

June 9th CCLL Tournament Action

June 10th CVLL Tournament Action

June 12/13 CV Softball Tournament

June 14th CCLL Tournament Action

June 15th CCLL Championship Game

June 16th CVLL Championship Game

June 17th STLL Tournament Action

June 18th STLL Tournament Action

June 19th STLL Championship Game